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內容簡介: 博客來網路書店博客來Marketing of High-Technology Products and Innovations is the only text on the market that focuses on the un博客來網路書局ique marketing challenges that surround high-tech products and service.
The third edition retains all the same concepts and materials of previous editions and includes comprehensive coverage of the latest academic research and leading-edge business practices.
NEW! End-of-book Cases: The cases that have encouraged hands-on experience and in-depth analysis in previous editions have been replaced by current cases that better relate to today’s student. Facilitate criti博客來書店cal thinking skills in your
UPDATED! In-depth Opening Vignettes: Each chapter begins with an opening vignette that highlights a particular company and how it has grappled with the issues in the coming chapter. In this edition the opening vignettes have not only been updated with current material but also delve deeper into the issues at hand providing students with greater insight.
現代商用英文(四版) | 易上手:實用企劃與文書禮儀 | 企劃案教戰範例 | 國際商務契約:實用中英對照範例集(增訂三版) | ||||
科技寫作與表達:校園和職場的祕笈(第五版)(附範例光碟) | 行銷企劃個案:企劃達人競賽實例.生活行銷篇 | 圖解金字塔原理 | 20歲就要懂企劃 |
- 新功能介紹 作者: Mohr
- 出版社:華泰文化 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2009/04/20
- 語言:英文
嚴選情報Marketing of High-Technology Products and Innovations 3-e賺到買到
生命的去向(上) | 智慧100(一)現在主義 | 生活,其實也可以很美麗 | 清淨生命之地 | ||||
人生DIY:心靈與生活環境清倉大掃除.生命的 | 當生命陷落時-與逆境共處的智慧 | 3分鐘讓生活更美好 | 柏拉圖靈丹:日常問題的哲學指南 |
嚴選情報Marketing of High-Technology Products and Innovations 3-e賺到買到推薦,嚴選情報Marketing of High-Technology Products and Innovations 3-e賺到買到討論,嚴選情報Marketing of High-Technology Products and Innovations 3-e賺到買到比較評比,嚴選情報Marketing of High-Technology Products and Innovations 3-e賺到買到開箱文,嚴選情報Marketing of High-Technology Products and Innovations 3-e賺到買到部落客
嚴選情報Marketing of High-Technology Products and Innovations 3-e賺到買到那裡買,嚴選情報Marketing of High-Technology Products and Innovations 3-e賺到買到價格,嚴選情報Marketing of High-Technology Products and Innovations 3-e賺到買到特賣會,嚴選情報Marketing of High-Technology Products and Innovations 3-e賺到買到評比,嚴選情報Marketing of High-Technology Products and Innovations 3-e賺到買到部落客 推薦
貴金屬盤後-金價上漲收每盎司1118美元 製造業數據不佳推升金價
鉅亨網編譯何昆霖 綜合外電
《Reuters》報導,金價小幅上漲來到每盎司 1118 美元,美國製造業數據不佳帶動金價上漲。
紐約聯邦儲備銀行最新公佈的經濟數據顯示,美國 8 月份製造業活動指數大幅下降至 -14.92,遠遜於 7 月份 3.86,亦劣於分析師預期 5.00。
Forex.com 分析師則認為今日金價上漲只不過是短線反彈,且目前已經快要來到關鍵阻力價位,隨後可能繼續下跌,整體熊市趨勢不變。
巴克萊分析師也認為儘管截至 8 月 11 日為止,對沖基金與投顧經理人作空黃金的部位開始減少,不過整體空頭部位仍然相當龐大。
12 月黃金期貨上漲收每盎司 1118.40 美元。
現貨金價來到每盎司 1117.46 美元。
9 月白銀期貨上漲來到每盎司 15.29 美元。
10 月白金期貨上漲來到每盎司 999.70 美元。
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